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Gardening After Dark – Cantor Arts Center

As an intermedia, prototypical dance and performance troupe, The Chocolate Heads (founded by Aleta Hayes in 2009) cultivates student artists and interdisciplinary thinkers from across the Stanford campus. Each year we center our research and creativity in a collaborative workshop around a specific theme. Dance, Fashion, and the Photographic Eye, loosely inspired by the Cantor Arts Center's Gordon Parks exhibit became the focus for this academic year. Throughout our process, we explore ideas about inclusivity, transformation, self-expression, and metanoia (the journey of changing one’s mind, heart and life). As a result, Fashion Fable brings contemporary dance, live music, fashion presentation, and visual installation together in celebration of beauty in all of its forms; metamorphosis in all of the ways one can imagine; and a rich collaboration to awaken the muses. Thursday, February 22nd Cantor Arts Center Stanford University
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Sophocles Phaedra at Sutro Baths (date TBD)

For no city can be safe in which justice and good sense are trampled under foot, and a clever talker criminally grasps a goad and guides the city. Sophocles Phaedra at Sutro Baths
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Hendrick Goltzius, Ixion, Classical Drama, Iota,

Aeschylus’ Ixion in Chinatown (date TBD)

Gods and men alike were horrified by Ixon’s murder of his father-in-law Deïoneus none were willing to purify him Zeus took pity on him not only purified him but took him to heaven Ixion, in turn, committed the ultimate hybris by attempting to seduce Hera (Zeus deceived him into lying instead with a cloud in her shape) Ixion was then bound to a wheel on which he rolls around everywhere, proclaiming to mortals that they must repay their benefactors with kind deeds in return The Fragments… Death is less disgraceful than a wretched life. *** The half-size pipe is easily trounced by the big one Location... Ross Alley, Chinatown, San Francisco Summer 2023
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